7: True Blood – PLUS Deadlands: Noir

Scott and Arnold want to do bad things with you, so it’s time to take a trip to Bon Temps, Louisiana and find out what all the fang-banging fuss is about. The guys talk TRUE BLOOD past and present as we reach the end of the show’s sixth season and face an uncertain future for the vampire, werewolf, fairy, human, and other assorted denizens of that beleaguered Bayou community.

PLUS: Scott takes us on a brief tour of the amazing line-up of materials now available for DEADLANDS: NOIR, the popular RPG campaign setting also based in Louisiana.

SPECIAL NOTES: We’ve upped our bit rate for this episode to improve sound quality, so let us know what you think! This is also an epic-length installment, so settle in with a drink and some snacks.

Also, although we usually try to be “PG-ish” in content, this particular episode (mainly due to the subject matter) is a little… well let’s say more coarse than previous episodes.

Finally, for those that worry about that sort of thing, be warned: we do discuss the penultimate episode of Season Six in depth, so SPOILER WARNING!

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The Official Website for the HBO Series True Blood

True-Blood.net – The Authority on all things True Blood (fan site)

The Vault – The ultimate True Blood resource (fan site)

The Deadlands: Noir Kickstarter Page

Pinnacle Entertainment Group